If you have an idea for another group, contact the Connect Office at connect@st.lukes.org or call 407.876.4991 ext. 216 to schedule a meeting.
Current Community Group Directory

Join St. Luke’s NEW Men’s Ministry at their monthly breakfast event, where you will enjoy community, connection, and prayer over breakfast!
This ministry seeks to engage men in meaningful relationships with other men to help them grow as disciples of Christ and to find fulfillment in their calling at home, work, church, community, and the world.
Upcoming Dates: May 23
Time: 6:30 a.m.
Where: Founder’s Hall
Click Here for more information and to RSVP.

“Pints & Parables: Theology on Tap” is a unique opportunity for individuals to explore meaningful conversations in a relaxed and inclusive environment. It invites participants to dive into open discussions on life, faith, philosophy, and theology, fostering both personal reflection and a sense of community. Whether you’re looking to explore deep questions, share your perspectives, or simply engage with others in a thoughtful way, all are welcome to join in.
Gatherings are on the second Thursday of each month at World of Beer, located at 7750 Palm Pkwy #130, Orlando, FL 32836, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
For more information and to RSVP to our next event visit www.st.lukes.org/pintsandparables or email Pastor Jad Denmark with questions.

50 North helps adults over the age of 50 connect with others in the same life stage who are wanting to find new purpose during the second half of life. Whether you are planning for retirement, becoming an empty nester, or well into your senior years, this ministry is for you!
A variety of activities and gatherings are planned each month with more opportunities to come.
Click the button below for upcoming events and to RSVP:
Don’t see a group that aligns with your interests? Have an idea for a new Community Group? Contact the Connect Office at connect@st.lukes.org or 407.876.4991 ext. 216 to share your ideas!