St. Luke's United Methodist Church


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Your Week with St. Luke’s Podcast

Posted on January 24, 2023 at 11:53 am in .

Our weekly podcast, “Your Week with St. Luke’s,” is now available wherever you listen to podcasts. You can also find it on Podbean and YouTube. Listen here or click any of the icons below to subscribe!

View weekly episodes below:


Current Worship Series: Belong

Questions for Discussion and Reflection:

Gifts (2/10/2025)
Scripture of the week: 2 Corinthians 8:1-7, 9:1-15

  1. How do you practice generosity in your life beyond financial giving? In what ways can you be more generous with your time, hospitality, and love?
  2. Think of someone you know who embodies generosity. What about their actions inspires you to be more generous? How do they make generosity feel natural rather than obligatory?
  3. The farmer plants trees knowing he won’t live to enjoy the fruit. How can you apply this long-term perspective in your own acts of generosity or discipleship?
  4. Brett mentions that generosity flows from God’s grace. How does this understanding of generosity shape the way you approach giving? How can you view your financial commitments as an opportunity to partner with God’s work?
  5. Brett defines stewardship as giving from a place of joy and intentionality, not obligation. How can you shift your perspective on stewardship to reflect this joyful mindset?
  6. In the episode, Brett encourages listeners to give out of joy, not guilt. Have you ever felt pressured to give? How can we cultivate a mindset where giving becomes a natural expression of gratitude rather than a burden?
  7. How can we, as a church community, reflect God’s generosity in the way we engage with the world? What are some practical ways you can contribute to the larger mission of God through your resources?
  8. How do you think the generosity of the church and individuals today will impact future generations of believers? What kind of legacy do you want to leave through your acts of generosity?

Presence (2/3/2025)
Scripture of the week: Hebrews 10:19-25

  1. What does “presence” in discipleship mean to you? How have you experienced it in your faith journey?
  2. When have you felt most supported and encouraged by someone’s presence in your life? How did that impact your spiritual growth?
  3. Are there areas in your life where you struggle to be fully present with God or others? What distractions make it difficult?
  4. How does Jesus model the idea of presence in his relationships with his disciples and others?
  5. In what ways can being more present help strengthen your relationships within your faith community?
  6. How can you intentionally practice presence in your daily interactions—whether with family, friends, or strangers?
  7. What are some practical ways we can support one another in our faith journeys through our presence, even when physical presence isn’t possible?
  8. Who in your life might need your presence and encouragement this week? How can you show up for them?
  9. What is one small, intentional change you can make to be more present in your spiritual life (prayer, worship, relationships, service)?

Prayers (1/27/2025)
Scripture of the week: Luke 11:1-13

  1. How do you contribute to creating a sense of belonging within your community?
  2. What barriers might prevent people from feeling connected, and how can we work to overcome them?
  3. What small, daily choices could you make to live more intentionally? How can we remind ourselves to prioritize what truly matters amidst life’s busyness?
  4. How do you find sacred moments in the ordinary?
  5. What practices help you stay grounded and present in your daily life?
  6. In what ways have challenges or setbacks contributed to your personal or spiritual growth?
  7. How can we create space for ourselves and others to grow without the pressure of perfection?
  8. What helps you hold onto hope when faced with uncertainty or difficulty?
  9. How do you recognize and embrace new beginnings, even when they don’t look like what you expected?

Download Study Guides from previous studies

Note: each of these study guides corresponds to a series of podcasts which can be viewed using the same playlist above (just search by date).

The Characters of Your Life’s Story – Discovering David – Click here to view/download the study guide PDF for the Sunday Night Bible Study

My Story – Job: A Resurrection StoryClick here to view/download the Study Guide for My Story: Job

Acts: Our StoriesActs: Our Stories – Study Guide

The Gospel of MarkMark Discussion Questions

The Gospel of MatthewThe Gospel of Matthew – Discussion Questions

The Gospel of JohnThe Gospel of John Discussion Questions

The Gospel of LukeLuke discussion questions

Re:Vive – The Resurrection Stories according to the GospelsThe Resurrection Stories

Renovate – 1 Peter1 Peter Discussion Questions

Romans – Romans – St. Luke’s 101 Discussion Questions

(dys)FUNCTIONAL Relationships (Select Characters from Genesis) – (dys)FUNCTIONAL Relationships

Life on Purpose: Lessons from Lasso – Life on Purpose – Lessons from Lasso

Love on Purpose (Lent 2024) – Love on Purpose

St. Luke’s On Purpose (Eastertide 2024) – St. Luke’s On Purpose

Church on Purpose Church on Purpose Study Guide

Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength: Loving Yourself So You Can Love Your Neighbor – Download a free study guide to use with your small group!

Short Course: The Land of Israel in Biblical Perspective with Ryan Bonfiglio

Ephesians: Rooted in Purpose – Ephesians study guide

Daniel: Resolute in Purpose study guide

Beyond the Box (Wisdom from Proverbs) study guide

Purpose-full study guide

Advent 2024 Series: Fear Not study guide

January 2024: Belong series study guide


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