St. Luke's United Methodist Church


4851 S. Apopka-Vineland Road
Orlando, FL 32819
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Young Adults

St. Luke’s Young Adults and Young Professionals groups exist to help you navigate the unique life situations and challenges you face, whether you are a student, working full-time, or somewhere in between. We hang out, meet people, and grow together, getting to know each other and learning how to take the next steps in our spiritual journey.


Young Adults: ages 18-25

St. Luke’s Young Adults group is for individuals who hope find community both socially and spiritually. Whether you need support in balancing school, work, and spirituality, or you’re looking for a group to hang out with, you’re welcome here.

Young Professionals: ages 25-35

St. Luke’s Young Professionals group seeks to provide opportunities for discipleship and social connection for individuals between the ages of 25-35. With gatherings focused on establishing community, deepening spirituality, and service, this group is the perfect landing place for young singles and couples looking to get connected.

Life Together Group

Life Together groups are discussion-based groups where you can experience community, friendship, and spiritual growth. These groups meet either online or in-person. Participants typically meet weekly for an hour, providing an opportunity for discussion, prayer requests, resource sharing, etc. If you’d like to create your own Life Together group, email Liz Vasquez for details on how to get started!


For questions about the groups above email

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