St. Luke's United Methodist Church


4851 S. Apopka-Vineland Road
Orlando, FL 32819
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Circles West Orange

Posted on January 9, 2025 at 9:00 am in .

The Circles® Campaign is a national, transformational approach to reduce poverty that partners volunteers and community leaders with individuals and families wanting to make the journey out of poverty.

Circles builds a community to end poverty and needs volunteers serving as Allies.

We are looking for 15 St. Lukers to be Allies.

What do you do when you see that many other people have not had the same opportunities as you? You become a Circle Ally and form an intentional friendship with an individual or family working toward economic stability.

Circle Allies join Circle Leaders in their quest to have enough resources, relationships and purpose to thrive. Through these new relationships Circle Allies will also increase their own awareness of the complexities of poverty. Circles provides an opportunity to use this developing understanding of poverty to advocate within the community to change the systemic barriers that prevent many from becoming economically stable.

If you are interested in becoming an Ally, please let us know.

Click below for Ally application


Interested in other Circles Resource Teams?

Recruitment Resource Team

Would you consider serving on the Recruitment Resource Team?
We’re looking for 2 St. Lukers to join this team!

This team develops strategies for recruiting Circle Leaders (participants) and Circles Allies (volunteers) committed to poverty reduction and then implements those strategies in coordination with Circles staff.

Skills helpful for this position:

  • marketing background
  • community connections
  • familiarity of organizations that serve under-resourced households
  • passionate persuasion

Community Resource Team

Would you consider serving on the Community Resource Team?
We’re looking for 4-5 St. Lukers to join this team!

This team creates a welcoming and safe space for the Circles weekly meetings. This group will secure meals and meal donations, support the children and youth track, help with set-up and tear-down, provide greeters at the sign-in table, and offer hospitality.

Skills helpful for this position:

  • logistics and hospitality
  • knowledge and connections within food industry
  • willing to contact faith communities and businesses for donations
  • event coordinator
  • support locally and BIPOC owned food services as we plan for the meals.

Services Resource Team

Would you be interested in being on the Services Resource Team?
We’re looking for 3-4 St. Lukers for this team!

This team identifies helpful services and community partners in the Central Florida area that are able to help our Circle Leaders meet their goals for economic stability.

Skills helpful for this position:

  • background work in social work or human services
  • nonprofit experience
  • understanding of public benefits
  • compassion and innovation

Provide Circles Meeting Meals

Do you belong to a group or bible study that would like to help to provide the Circles meeting meal?
We need meals for the third and fourth Tuesday of each month

  • We typically have 35-40 people in attendance
  • The cost is between $300-$450, depending if we cook it ourselves or buy from a restaurant

There are two ways you could sponsor

  • Donate the funds directly and we will take care of the rest.
  • Prepare or purchase the food and come in person to serve it. It’s a great way to get a glimpse of how Circles works in person.


Hear from St. Luker Mark Adelhelm about being an Ally

I have been a Circles volunteer, or Ally, for a little over a year now, and I can honestly say it has been an incredibly impactful journey for me.

As an Ally, you’re paired with a Circles Leader, an individual dedicated to transforming their economic situation, who embarks on a 12-18 month plan to start their journey out of poverty. In my case, I was matched with a young mother of four whose husband recently graduated from Circles himself. Over the past year, I’ve had the privilege of getting to know them, understanding their struggles, and witnessing their aspirations for a better future.

Early in our training, we are reminded that the essence of this program is the ministry of “being present.” Circles Leaders face numerous challenges that can limit their options and hinder their progress. Throughout this journey, it can be hard to remain open and unembarrassed by the obstacles and setbacks they encounter. As an Ally, you realize that it’s crucial to be supportive and available, even if it’s not always clear how to help.

For me, being a Circles volunteer has been about prioritizing relationships over results. You quickly understand that there are often no simple solutions to the challenges that keep good people trapped in poverty. It often takes a series of small, incremental steps to see change take hold. It’s still early in the process for my Leader’s family, so the outcome isn’t certain. But I am deeply inspired by the courage and resourcefulness I see in the Circles Leaders I’ve come to know. I am grateful for the opportunity to support their efforts to create better lives for themselves and their families.

If you are considering making a meaningful investment of your time and experience in helping someone tackle significant life changes, I encourage you to become a Circles Ally. The impact on your perspective, much like it was for me, will be as profound as the changes they make for themselves.

Mark Adelhelm, St. Luker and Circles Ally

To learn more about Circles West Orange, please visit


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