Blessed Treasures Gift Shop features handmade seasonal decorations and home décor, giftable items, as well as gently loved clothing, jewelry, artwork, and more
For over 25 years, St. Luke’s United Methodist Women, now known as United Women in Faith, have held an annual holiday marketplace that helped fund both local and global missions and charities.
With the opening of Blessed Treasures, empowerment and development work through St. Luke’s can receive consistent funding making an even bigger difference for families from Orlando to Costa Rica to Zimbabwe.
All proceeds support local, state, and international missions and charities.
To contact Blessed Treasures gift shop, email
Blessed Treasures Gift Shop Hours:
Sunday: 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Wednesday Hours: 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Location: In the Annex building behind Building C church gymnasium. Follow the Gift Shop signs down the gravel road.
Blessed Treasures Crafters

Join the United Women in Faith as they get together to create some of the handmade decorations and gifts for the Blessed Treasures shop and for their Annual Holiday Marketplace. Crafting days are Mondays and Tuesdays anytime from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
For more information about crafting, contact
Photo Gallery and Featured Items
Thank you to Howard Clifton for his photos of the UWIF Holiday Marketplace.
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Scenes from the Grand Opening of Blessed Treasures Gift Shop on August 29, 2021.
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We have lots of fun décor!
Come see our display of dolls and we have some lovely handmade quilts!
Want to let someone know that you are thinking of them? We also have beautiful handmade cards with matching envelopes.
Shop for:
Handmade crafts
Seasonal Decorations
Home Décor
Giftable Items
Gently loved clothing
And more!
Please join us during our regular shop hours, to see what we have in “store” for you!
Thank you, Diego! -Eagle Scout project

“My name is Diego Torres, I am 14 years old and I am an Eagle Scout. For my Eagle Project I wanted to help the Women’s Workshop by extending their back patio. My goal with my project was to eliminate a tripping hazard and to give the people at the workshop an even and steady place to step onto without the fear of tripping. I am extremely appreciative of the opportunity the Women’s Workshop gave me to help them and to finish my Eagle Scout Project. ”
Thank you, to Diego, for all the hard work and care he put in to this project, building this patio for the UMW Blessed Treasures Gift Shop.
St. Luke’s United Women in Faith
It is in BLESSING others
that we are BLESSED with a
special BLESSING of our own.
There is so much to see! Bring a friend and neighbor!
All proceeds support local, state and international missions and charities.
To contact Blessed Treasures gift shop, email